Shayla Mulloy

As an association member, I stay up to date on the issues and needs of my community. My 7 years as a Special Education ESP have taught me how to work with and treat students with kindness, respect, and dignity no matter their circumstances. I approach everyone with kindness because you don’t know what someone is going through.  

It feels good coming to work knowing that somewhere, someone is impacted by what you do. Know that you are important. Students will wonder why someone is absent on a certain day and I want to be that ESP teacher that students miss. At my school, I have a “can do, help out” attitude. I always try to help where I am needed and greet all the people at my school with respect.  

In my classroom, I teach students not only to read and write, but to rise above the circumstances life has thrown at them. I model and practice this daily in the classroom. Education is not always ponies, rainbows, and sparkles. It’s okay to go back to the drawing board. I believe that being an ESP has prepared me to be the teacher that my students deserve. I fully intend to remain in a Special Education role, whether as an ESP or a full-time certified teacher.