2024 Convention Committees

Credentials, Bylaws, and Elections Committee

Maritza Barrera
Jeff Cynor
Angela Garcia
August Plock, Chair
Mary Ann Quintana
Barbara Reed Wilson
Trasell Underwood
Ysrael Valencia
Andre Williams

New Business Items

As stipulated in the Standing Rules, all New Business Items not
previously submitted shall be presented in writing to the Chair
within one hour after adoption of the Rules of Procedure. These
rules will be adopted at the beginning of the First Business
Session on Friday, April 19.

New Business Item forms will be at the registration area from
7:45 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. on Friday, April 19. These forms will
also be available at the materials table at the beginning of
the First Business Session. There is a separate form for Legislative
Program amendments.

New Business Items will be considered in the order received.
No person shall be recognized to address a New Business Item
until it has been submitted in writing to the Chair on the appropriate
form, signed by the maker and seconder.

Obtaining the Floor

Any delegate wishing to speak should go to one of the floor
microphones and hold up the appropriate colored paddle
until recognized by the presiding officer.
Green = make a motion/speak in favor of an item
Red = make a motion/speak against an item
Blue = point of order
White = request for information/motion to suspend rules
Please note:

  1. The Chair will alternate between Green (pro) and Red
    (con) speakers.
  2. Priority will be given to delegates using the White (question
    on content of a motion/suspension of rules) or Blue
    (procedural question/indicate disruption or inconvenience
    on assembly floor) paddle.
  3. Points of personal privilege—e.g. to commend individuals
    for their contributions of service—will be considered
    out of order until the end of all business.
    A chart providing further explanation on the use of paddles
    in making motions is provided on page 14.

Parliamentary Procedures Workshop

A parliamentary procedure workshop will be held from 1:00-
2:00 p.m. on Friday, April 19. Any person interested in learning
the procedures used during TSTA’s House of Delegates
should plan to attend.